Mutt shortcuts


*Move to last entry
=Move to first entry
:Enter muttrc command
>Scroll down one line
<Scroll up one line
[Scroll up half a page
]Scroll down half a page
;Apply next function to tagged messages only
!Invoke command in subshell
returnSelect the current entry
esc + /Search up
/Search down
HMove to top of page
jMove to next entry
kMove to previous entry
ctrl + lRedraw screen
LMove to bottom of page
MMove to middle of page
nMove to next match of search
qExit menu
tTag current entry
zMove to next page
ZMove to previous page

Index Menu

&Link tagged message to current one
#Break the thread in two
%Toggle whether mailbox will be rewritten
.List mailboxes with new mail
$Save changes to mailbox
@Display full address of sender
esc + tabJump to previous new or unread message
returnDisplay message
tabJump to next new or unread message
aCreate alias from message sender
bRemail message to another user
esc + cOpen a different folder (Read Only)
cOpen a different folder
esc + CMake text/plain copy
CCopy message to another file/mailbox
esc + dDelete all messages in subthread
dDelete current message
ctrl + DDelete all messages in thread
DDelete messages matching a pattern
esc + eUse the current message as a template for a new one
eEdit the raw message
ctrl + EEdit attachment content type
fForward message with comments
ctrl + FWipe passphrase from memory
FToggle the important flag for message
gReply to all
GRetrive mail from POP server
hDisplay message and toggle header weeding
jMove to next undeleted message
esc + kMail a PGP key
kMove to previous undeleted message
ctrl + KExtract supported public keys
esc + lShow current limit pattern
lOnly show messages matching a pattern
LReply to specific mailing list
mCompose new message
esc + nJump to next subthread
ctrl + NJump to next thread
NToggle new flag
oSort messages
OSort messages in reverse order
QQuery external program for addresses
qSave changes to mailbox and quit
rReply to message
ctrl + PJump to previous thread
esc + pJump to previous subthread
pPrint current message
esc + PCheck for classic PGP
PJump to parent message in thread
ctrl + RMark current thread as read
RRecall a postponed message
esc + rMark current subthread as read
esc + sSave text/plain copy and delete
sSave message/attachment to mailbox/file
esc + tTag current thread
ctrl + TUntag messages matching a pattern
TTag messages matching pattern
esc + uUndelete all messages in subthread
uUndelete current entry
ctrl + UUndelete all messages in thread
UUndelete messages matching pattern
esc + vCollapse/uncollapse current thread
vShow mime attachments
esc + VCollapse/uncollapse all threads
VShow mutt version number and date
wSet a status flag
WClear status flags from message


!Message is flagged
*Message is tagged
+Message is To: you and only you
CMessage is Cc: to you
dMessage has attachments marked for deletion
DMarked for deletion
FMessage is From: you
KContains PGP key
LMessage is sent to a subscribed mailing list
nThread contains new messages (Only when thread is collapsed)
NMessage is new
oThread contains old messages (Only when thread is collapsed)
OMessage is old
PMessage is PGP encrypted
rMessage has been replied to
sMessage is signed
SMessage is signed and verified
TMessage is to you and has others in To: or Cc:


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